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    POLAND 2005

    On 9 May 2005 the Project Convoy team met up at Krakow airport having flown in seperate groups from Gatwick and Luton. A four hour coach transfer took the team by road to the small town of Sokolow Malopolski, just 25km north of Rzeszow in eastern Poland.

    Over the next week, we split up into various smaller teams each tasked to provide; an adventure playground, an English language lab, distribute medical supplies for local medical centres, orphanage, and a drug rehabilitation project.

    All projects were completed successfully, leaving us three days to relax in Krakow. At 6 Zlotys to the pound, food and drink was cheap, the people warm and friendly. We flew back on 19 May vowing one day to return to our new friends in Poland.

    You can view some photos from our trip to Poland (optimised for those using a dialup modem) by clicking HERE.

    These pictures are a small sample of those we intend to post on this website, just as soon they become available from team members.

    If you would like to volunteer for our next project, please send an e-mail to:

    Tele: 07979 667 552

    Project Convoy ~
    providing humanitarian for those in need !

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